Saturday, June 28, 2014

Today was the day I taught my class at Easy as Cat Soup. What a great day! Eight of the nicest ladies you can imagine came to the class. We had a couple of beginners and it was great fun to see them start to relax and enjoy themselves as they created their cards. I always tell my classes that I love it when they do their own thing with my basic designs and these gals did just that. It was a roomful of wonderful creative energy

I showed Micki some of the cards I made with the Graphic 45 Botanical Tea papers. (Pictures are in a previous post.)  She LOVED them. So, now we are going to schedule a class with those cards and I will also do some card designs with their new Come Away With Me papers. See the papers here. We will schedule a class with those cards, probably for Sept.

The Botanical Tea Card class is tentatively scheduled for Aug 2.

At some point there will also be a series of technique classes. More about that as the plans come together.

I am excited to be teaching again. Can you tell?

1 comment:

  1. I had a great time in your class, Linda and I made some beautiful cards!
